Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions with definition of Sales in Worldwide Market Ltd (SIWML):
The motto of Sales in worldwide Market Ltd (Siwml) is to provide the highest standard levels of services, that matches with the satisfaction and expectation of both wealthy and poor consumers, and merchants at once. Therefore, our terms and conditions and policies are as the following:
Our website and applications are initially designed in English, French and Arabic. Also, we will add more languages in the future depends on the market needs.


We aim to protect everyone using our services, therefore, you cannot use our services unless your register as a member, it is our priority to protect all consumers and merchants together. Therefore, the vendors must join as a member then click sell now in the top of the website, then they will pay only 1$ to prove they have Business account or nominated account. then we will recive their order, afterwards we will approve their vendors account. Thus, they can sell unlimited products in our website. 


Our interests and policies are to provide the highest level of quality and services to both the merchant and the consumer. Therefore, the merchant must provide the highest level of quality and services to the consumer. We will never accept providing less than the highest level of services, and quality to both the merchant and the consumer together.  Therefore, we will terminate the contract of any merchant who will not commit to provide the highest levels of quality, and services to the consumer anywhere in the world, and we will not allow those who will not adhere or follow our policy to sell their products through us.
For the love of those who buying and selling, we have established sales in worldwide market Ltd, with the aim of facilitating the purchase process for the consumer, by creating an international online market in which everything is sold except alcohol, gambling and things that are prohibited to be sold, Sales in worldwide Market Ltd (Siwml) will serves the merchant by expanding the selling process ,and making it in a wider range than it was before, and this will increase the percentage of sales. In the main time this global market serves the consumer by collecting everything they like to buy in one place, and this saves the consumer the trouble, effort and time in searching for the products they want to buy, especially if they are looking for a specific product, and our global online market designed specifically to make easy, fast and interesting search for products, you can find what you want to buy quickly, in order to save the consumer's effort and time. We have made an app forour website which more organized than usual. Thus, SIWML will match with the expectation of both merchant and consumer.


Sales in worldwide Market Ltd will sells for the consumers only the products, that have discounts starting from 5%, so you will find on each individual item the old price before discount, and the current price after the discount. 

For consumer/ Members

As it is our priorities to ensure that we provide the highest standard level of service to our consumers, and merchants. So, Sales in worldwide Market Ltd (SIWML) will ensure that we are doing our best to protect our consumers rights, especially we will make sure that all merchants will provide the highest standard level of distinctive services. Therefore, the consumers must ensure that their correct data is recorded, so that we can provide them with a distinct service from the beginning of using our website and app, passing through the purchase process until they receive the products they have purchased, followed by the post-purchase service that is represented in the period of permission to change the product etc. According to the merchant’s policy and the country from which you purchased the product, each individual merchant will provide their location, policy, terms and conditions, and the post-purchase service to us, and we will make it clear for you to read it before you buy any product. This will be clear in our website and app. Therefore, it is your responsibility to read about the merchant terms of service, thus, the consumers will understand the exact time and date that they will receive their products on, and pre-purchase, and post-purchase services etc.

Notice that all Merchant and consumers must be aware of the following

Each individual product must show the old price before discount, and the current price after the discount on each individual product. 

For the merchant

It is the merchant responsibilities to do the following:

The merchant must be committed to provide the highest levels of quality and services to the consumers, in accordance with the provisions and laws that are commensurate with providing a distinguished service, from the beginning of the purchase process until the delivery of the products to the consumers house, with a commitment to the time period of the process of delivering the products to the consumers homes, in coordination with the shipping companies that delivering products to consumers homes. The merchant must ensure that they provide the highest standard level of distinct services to our consumers. And if we find out that the merchant dose not supply those services. We will contact them first, then if they still do not provide those services that mentioned above, then we will terminate our contract with the merchant immediately without refund.

English language is mandatory.

If the merchant country does use another language not in our website, then the merchant must add English language first, and then their native language after English words at once when they add the product name, for example (Women dress - महिलाओं के परिधान).

If merchants wanted to add the link of their website, then they must make changes to the language of their products in their website first to match with what we mentioned above. Also, the merchant must add the link of their products in the right category, for example do not add 18 karat of yellow gold with 21 Karat, same with clothing etc. we have designed our website and app to match with policy of not mixing the products together. Therefore, the merchant must check every individual product in their link before they add their link. We will not accept and confirm that you will sale your product in our website, unless every individual product should be in the right place or category.

How to use our website as a seller of your products:

Our website designed to be easy to use it to upload the product image, and videos or to add the link of your products to direct the customers to links of your own websites. After you register as a member, then you click (sell now) in the top of the website , then you complete the proces, after your payment of 1$ we will recive your payment then we will change your status from member to vendor, then you upload the images of your products, add price before discount and the current price after the discount, write the product name in your native language ,then translate the product name into English language, and write the product in English language section, then complete the process. chose to add your products in the right categories, for example if you want to sale a wemens shirt ????, choose first Clothing and fashion, then women, followed by shirts. do not add women shirt in T-shirt or trouser ???? . every product must be in the right place for it. If you have products not in our categories then you ad it in other. we made other products for everything such as other in men clothes, in cars, in boys, girls and women clothes etc


The payment goes direct to the merchant website. However, if the merchant website does not have the option of online payment for his business particularly the small businesses, in this case the payment of their products will be collected by the delivery or shipment company, and the shipment company will give the payment to the vendors.

Cost of our Service for Merchant only

Great news the first vendor in each category who join us from 1st Jun 2023 to 1st August 2023 you will have a one year free to use our services, starts from the day you Join us as a Vendor.
Each new vendor will join us will have 2 month free.
Our monthly services fee is 3 $  starting from the day the merchant sign up, the amount of products, the merchent must pay to us the service fee by using the payment methoods which provided in our website.  


To contact us our emails is Info@siwml.com

Please send us your suggestions of developing our website and app or any suggestions, your opinions and suggestions are valuable to us.

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